Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Polls open in Jersey...still too early to tell

Polls opened up at 7am in the Garden State with low voter turnout being a big concern in the state...people are being encouraged to go out and vote

This is technically a three-way election race between Jon Corzine and Christie, with a 3rd party independent candidate Christopher Daggett playing the role of spoiler. Without Daggett in the race Chris Christie would be the runaway winner against Corzine.

In case you were wondering there is no runoff election in New Jersey as only a plurality of the vote is required rather than an outright majority. Based on pre-election polls we can safely predict that none of the three candidates will have a majority of the popular vote.

Issues in New Jersey include the president’s rising unpopularity in the country, local corruption in Governor Corzine’s administration, miserable employment, high taxes, and our politicians’ unwelcome focus on healthcare during a time of national economic crisis. Put simply this election is mainly about a leadership vacuum both instate and nationally.

Unemployment in New Jersey is 10% and property taxes are through the roof to pay for Democrat programs which suddenly look like bad policy to the average voter. The campaign has been unusually toxic even for NJ. At one point Corzine called Christie “fat” while Obama himself has further polarized the race with over-the-top partisan rhetoric.

Here is the latest:
Quinnipiac: Christie 42, Corzine 40, Daggett 12 (Christie +2)
SurveyUSA: Christie 45, Corzine 42, Daggett 10 (Christie +3)
PPP: Christie 47, Corzine 41, Daggett 11 (Christie +6)
Rasmussen Reports: Christie 46, Corzine 43, Daggett 8 (Christie +3)
Daily Kos/R2000: Christie 42, Corzine 41, Daggett 14 (Christie +1)
Democracy Corps: Corzine 41, Christie 37, Daggett 15 (Corzine +4)
Fairleigh Dickinson Poll: Corzine 43, Christie 41, Daggett 8 (Corzine +2)
Stockton/Zogby: Christie 39, Corzine 40, Daggett 14 (Corzine +1)

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